Transform your Contract Management Today!
Join our teams who are accelerating their document workflows with Legitt.
Simple Transparent Pricing , No contracts, No surprise fee.
1 Editor
0 Collaborator
check Contract Draft
check Free Smart Template
check Contract Builder
check Document Audit trail
check Editor
check Collaborator
check Document Signed per month
Individual AI
2 Editor
0 Collaborator
check All Individual features
check Customizable templates
check AI Assistant
check AI Notification & Reminder
check Legitt Magic write
Starter AI
3 Editor
2 Collaborator
check All Individual AI features
check Free Smart Templates
check Auto renewals
check DSignature Workflow
check 24/7 Team Support
Bussiness AI
10 Editor
9 Collaborator
check All Starter AI features
check Document Signed per month
check AI Document Scanner
check Synopsis Generator
check Smart Contract Creations
check Dumb to Smart Conversion
check Blockchain Automation
check Integrations
Contact us for Enterprise AI
Trusted by over 1000+ companies
Compare All Plans
Individual Individual AI Starter AI Bussiness AI
Editor 1 1 3 10
Collaborators 0 0 3 10
Contract Drafts 10 10 25 100
Document Signed per month 50 50 100 500
Signed contracts on platform 50 50 100 500
Free Smart Templates
Document Audit trail
Contract builder
Upload existing / signed contracts
AI Document scanner & Synopsis generator
AI Assistant
AI Notification & Reminder
Template Upload
AI Contract Builder
Legitt Magic Write
Signature Workflow
Auto renewals
Approval workflows
Smart Contract Creations
Dumb to Smart Conversion
Blockchain Automation
Archieved Contract
Yes, you can choose the Starter subscription plan which is free of charge and available for a single user.
You can contact the Legitt team for the Enterprise plan that allows more than 10 users with unlimited document creation and the respective storage capacity.
Unlike most eSignature competitors, our plans allow you to send and eSign as many documents as you’d like. Please note that some advanced automation features require volume packages in addition to the paid subscription (bulk send, Forms, API).
Sure! You can upgrade your subscription plan from within your account at any time.
Yes! The Legitt mobile app takes the process to create, track, approve, negotiate, and eSign documents on-the-go. Just open the app on your phone or iPad and sign away!
If you wish to upgrade or renew your plan, you can purchase a new subscription from our package options.
Absolutely! All of your customers and other recipients of your documents sent from Legitt can eSign them for free. Once they receive a Legitt document in their inbox, they can sign it on any device without needing a Legitt account.
Absolutely not. We will only charge you when you decide to use Legitt after you’ve completed your evaluation. Your free trial is valid for 7 days.